ZioPeng vs Wikipedia

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The true identity of ZioPeng was discovered on 15 March 2024 when Piotr Kawalewski showed how to add a page to the English Wikipedia:

Piotr Kawalewski: ZioPeng: Your account was banned for a month...

ZioPeng: ...That is a lie! They said it was a long wait because it was overbooked!

Piotr Kawalewski: No, there was a huge backlog, and I was stuck in it for a while, but I managed to get into the queue before I got banned.

ZioPeng: My account was banned because I attempted to create a page on the Polish-language Wikipedia.

Piotr Kawalewski: A page?

ZioPeng: Yes, but not just any page, the page of the artist Krzysztof Kryszyński, who sang the theme song to the Polish/German animated television series Krzysztof Krawczyk. I wanted to give him a page on the English Wikipedia as well. I wanted to know whether he would appreciate it if he had his page on the Polish Wikipedia, or if he would prefer a page on the Polish Wikipedia. As you can see, he probably wouldn't, because he is Polish.

Piotr Kawalewski: Ok, and then what?

ZioPeng: That is when I attempted to create a page on the Polish-language Wikipedia for Polish-English literary translator Joanna Sokołowska-Pavlak, and my account was permanently banned. I was shocked! It seems that the Polish Wikipedia banned a member because he created the page of a Polish-language Wikipedia member in another language.

Piotr Kawalewski: Do you know what that means?

ZioPeng: No, not a clue!

Piotr Kawalewski: It means you're fired! You're fired!

ZioPeng: Oh, I see! I need to know why I was banned.

Piotr Kawalewski: You don't have to know why you were banned! The Wikipedia would never be able to let you in again!

ZioPeng: I need to know why I was banned!

Piotr Kawalewski: Sorry, dude! You're fired!

ZioPeng: Oh, that is a shame.

Piotr Kawalewski: Yeah!

ZioPeng: For what?

Piotr Kawalewski: Oh, any number of things!

ZioPeng: Any number of things?

Piotr Kawalewski: Yeah, any number of things!

ZioPeng: Well, so why are you letting me back in?

Piotr Kawalewski: Just in case there was something in my banned page that you could use to come back and haunt me, you idiot! So, if you see any magic words in the English Wikipedia, you better, you better run and tell me about them right away!

ZioPeng: Well, I think I've figured it out. Maybe you were banned for this:

Piotr Kawalewski: No! Wait! What's wrong with it?

ZioPeng: Nothing is wrong with it, except that it's a string of nonsense!

Piotr Kawalewski: What nonsense?

ZioPeng: You don't want to know, or you would have already deleted it!

Piotr Kawalewski: That is the correct answer!

ZioPeng: Yes, I was banned for this nonsense:

Piotr Kawalewski: Haha, I knew it! Now, I can find you, and you can be sure that you're going to be banned again!

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